These expert tips will help you improve your social media and blogging strategy.

Two powerful ways to communicate with customers are social media and blogs. Your business may already use one or both of these strategies. You can make your business stand out by increasing your efforts. These tips are from members of the small-business community. They will help you make the most out of your social media and blogging strategies.

Save Time with These Social Media Inbox Tools

It cannot be easy to manage all of your social media communication. Some tools combine messages from different social media platforms and save time. Adam Connell has compiled a comprehensive list in his Blogging Wizard post.

Use audio and video content to create social media posts.

Customers can reach you via audio and video content. These messages can be shared on social media. How can you reuse content that was created for another platform? Fay Lora explains with this Social Media Revolver Post.

As a customer service tool, use social media

Social Media is more than just about marketing messages. It is a way for customers to communicate. It allows you to answer customer questions and address any other concerns quickly. This Social Media HQ post is by Christian Zilles.

Social Media is a great way to generate leads.

Social media can also use effective sales tools. Many businesses can generate leads through these platforms by connecting with their target market. This BizEpic post explains how to achieve this goal by Ivan Widjaya.

Promoting your blog on social media is free

Since they both can promote each other, social media and blogging often go hand-in-hand. Janice Wald shares tips on promoting your blog via social media in this Mostly Blog post.

Reach Out to Bloggers

Whether you run a blog or a local business, mentions on other blogs can help market your brand. These relationships must be nurtured. Erik Emanuelli explains this concept. And members of BizSugar discussed this idea further.

Canva allows you to create and schedule Instagram posts.

Instagram is one of the most powerful social media platforms for businesses. It can be difficult to manage, especially if you aren’t constantly connected to your mobile device. You can manage your content from Canva. IleaneSmith details.

Stay on top of social media predictions.

Social Media is constantly changing. If you want to get the most out of social media, you must keep up with the latest developments. Experts share their predictions based on the current platform state and observations. This post is by Andrew Hutchinson, Social Media Today 26 prediction for 2022.

Get started with a blog this year.

Many business owners believe that blogging only works if it’s been going on for a while. It is not too late if you don’t have a blog yet. This Lion Blogger post by Atanu das will explain why you should have a blog for 2021.

Consider These Social Media Alternatives

Social media can be a powerful tool for business. However, it is not the only way you can promote your brand. Elijah Shoesmith provides some alternative options in this post on Inspire to Thrive. BizSugar members also shared their thoughts there.


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