Do not try to work harder, but smarter. Marketers tell us that it is difficult to produce high-quality, downloadable content. This is understandable. It takes planning, research, interviews and writing to create quality content. It is impossible to imagine that one marketer could create a piece of new content every week. Consider the possibility of content amplification. You can use your downloadable content to create fresh content for your website, blog, social media, email, and other platforms.
What is content amplification? Content amplification can be described as a multichannel strategy that uses owned, paid and earned media to distribute and promote content. Content amplification is a multichannel approach that increases brand reach and encourages your audience to move seamlessly through your sales funnel. How do you use your whitepaper or eBook to build a multichannel marketing strategy that will generate new content for months?
Eight ways content amplification can help you work smarter and not harder. This blog uses a 22-page eBook. It covers five content sections. This assumes you have created your landing page and created a form to allow prospects to download your eBook.
1) Make each section a blog
It cannot be easy to create new blog content each week. If you’ve spent months creating a new eBook, you can have fresh and new blog content at your disposal. You can create five blogs for each of the five sections of the eBook. You already have the bulk of your blog content. You will likely need to add an introduction, a conclusion, and a call to action button to direct the visitor to the landing site to download the entire eBook. This is how the whole thing comes together and allows you to generate new leads and website visitors by downloading the eBook.
2) Email your eBook Promoting
Although promoting an eBook via email may seem obvious, you’d be surprised at how many people I speak to who have a new ebook but don’t want their database to see it. It is a missed opportunity to send an email. Your contacts may have agreed to receive your emails. If they have, they would love to hear from us. They signed up specifically for new content. This is a great time to show your thought leadership and send them this eBook.
3) Share your eBook and new blogs on social media
Now you have a lot more content. This includes your eBook landing page and the blogs that are associated with it. These can be shared on social media with your followers and encouraged to be shared by your sales team on their channels.
HubSpot Tip If you are open to it, your sales team can connect their LinkedIn to your HubSpot account to share the posts on their behalf. This allows you to control the messaging and track engagement data.
You don’t have to share on social media only once.
4) Create a popup form to launch your new eBook
Popup forms within your marketing automation tool can be a great way for you to share your eBook with website visitors. Everyone visiting your website might not be aware of your new eBook. Sharing the eBook with your visitors and informing them about the new content is important. Popup forms are a great way to bring your eBook to their attention while browsing your website. To capture their details before they leave your website, you can use a slide-in or exit-intent popup on your service pages. This form will increase the reach of your landing pages or embed the form on the popup, giving you more opportunities for lead generation.
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